Monday, April 21, 2008

Daisy Squares

My daisy square.. I finally managed to make one. I found the pattern on Krochet Krystal. The pattern is free. In exchange for the free pattern, we just have to send a completed daisy square to the pattern owner. I hope I can send it off soon.

I have left my amigurumi aside to make this daisy square. I should be getting back to them soon... hopefully...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


A colourful bear...

Also, a multicoloured elephant....

Then there is ......As my little cousin calls it, E-fant...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Bird

Going with the theme of Easter, this is a bird made with a peanut shaped body. This guy hatched in time for easter and already as it is time for it to go on a diet; note the fat wings :)
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Easter Tea Party

Looks like Mr Rabbit, Little Bunny and Blue Hare are having an easter tea party.
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